Frequent questions
Is Yandex.Browser a free program?
Yes, Yandex.Browser is a free program, so you don't have to pay or watch ads to use all its features.
Does Yandex.Browser sell your data?
Yandex.Browser may sell your data if you give it permission to do so. When you start your browser for the first time, you will be asked whether you agree to various cookie agreements, including that they may collect your data for marketing and third-party sales purposes.
Does Yandex.Browser have privacy options?
Yes, Yandex.Browser has privacy options to prevent websites from tracking your data, although you have to access the browser options to activate them. Yandex.Browser also has an incognito mode for added security.
Can I browse with Yandex.Browser safely?
Yes, you can browse with Yandex.Browser safely, since it has its own security protocols, which warn you about accessing pages and files that it deems dangerous.
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